Film crew for hire & local contributors

Video film crew whit top-of-the-line equipment
If you’re looking for a DOP, soundman, or drone operator you can leave your worries behind.
Whit me you have access to major camera, sound, and lighting technology so that together we can produce the highest-quality video possible.
I can assemble a film crew fit to work at international standards for your next video production in Romania.
Any need technical or logistical needs you might face I can fix them for you and get you skilled camera operators, cinematographers, and productions assistants to complete your film crew.
From drivers to props I developed a strong network of film and media professionals ready to make your story come to life.

Real people make the best characters
What is a story without characters? One of the best parts of being a fixer in Romania is that you get to know lots of authentic people torn from fairytales.
Thanks to my outspoken personality I have numerous connections all over Romania. No matter where or what you want to shoot I got you covered. Danube Delta to Transilvania I can show you the hidden gems of Romania’s most famous regions and put you in touch whit locals and authorities.
Share whit me your wish list and let me find you the most original and outstanding contributors for your next video production in Romania.
From high-ranked officials to remote villagers I am connected whit valuable local contributors ready to be captured on camera.